Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancer Clinic

Specialists in the GI Cancer Clinic focus on the prevention, early detection, diagnosis and management of GI tumours, pre-cancers and cancers.

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Experts in the Mayo Clinic Healthcare GI Cancer Clinic help people who have cancer or polyps, which can be signs of pre-cancer. Consultants with specialised knowledge use state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, such as genetic testing, to understand your cancer risk or the exact type of cancer you have. This crucial data can inform surveillance recommendations to catch cancer early or tailor treatment options to the genetic makeup of both your body and the cancer.

Common disorders seen in the GI Cancer Clinic include:

  • People with a strong family history of gastrointestinal or other cancers, including inherited cancer syndromes, such as:
  • People with known or suspected gastrointestinal cancers (stomach, small bowel, colon or rectum)
  • People with known or suspected gastrointestinal pre-cancers (colorectal polyps)
  • People with benign or malignant gastrointestinal cancers that require advanced endoscopic or surgical management
  • People at higher than average risk of gastrointestinal cancer, based on:
    • Family history (including heritable syndromes) of gastrointestinal cancer or polyposis
    • Past personal history of gastrointestinal cancer or pre-cancer
    • Long-standing ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
  • People with symptoms or signs suggestive of gastrointestinal cancer (persistent upper or lower gastrointestinal bleeding, persistent change in stool pattern, persistent lower abdominal pain, abnormal stool blood test, iron deficiency or anemia, unintentional weight loss)

Read more about Mayo Clinic's Cancer Center in the U.S.