Heart Failure Clinic

Cardiologists in the Heart Failure Clinic have specialised training and expertise evaluating and treating people with all forms of the condition. They offer an opportunity for prolonged life and improved quality of life for people who have found limited options elsewhere.

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What is heart failure? (What is congestive heart failure?)

Though the two terms sometimes cause confusion, heart failure and congestive heart failure are the same condition, in which your heart fails to pump blood as well as it should. There are many stages, types and severity of heart failure. How long you can live with heart failure depends on a mix of the type and severity of the condition and your overall health. People can live decades with less-severe forms, while other forms are terminal.

What are the four stages of heart failure?

The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology list four stages of heart failure:

  • Stage A: Several risk factors for heart failure are present, but there are no signs or symptoms
  • Stage B: Heart disease is present but symptoms aren't
  • Stage C: Both heart disease and symptoms are present
  • Stage D: Advanced heart failure that requires specialised treatment

Your Mayo Clinic Healthcare cardiology team can use a wide array of tests to identify the risk factors for people in every stage of heart failure. This will ensure you receive treatment early on to help prevent or delay heart failure.

Learn more about heart failure at MayoClinic.org