Cardio-Oncology Clinic

Since the mid-2000s, the number people surviving cancer has grown to record numbers and is predicted to be 30 million worldwide by 2024. However, some medications and radiation therapies to treat cancer may present an increased risk for certain heart conditions.

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At Mayo Clinic Healthcare's Cardio-Oncology Clinic, cardiologists will work with you to understand how a specific cancer treatment may affect your heart health. Cardio-Oncology Clinic cardiologists collaborate with one of the largest cancer practices in the U.S. to minimise the risk of heart problems while you receive effective cancer treatment.

Cancer specialists can evaluate your risk and condition before, during or after your cancer treatment. This can be especially important for people who:

  • Have existing heart disease
  • Have a high risk of heart disease
  • Develop a heart condition after cancer therapy

Our private clinic services include:

  • Offering advice and guidance to people with a high risk of heart disease or existing heart disease before cancer therapy and evaluating how to prevent, monitor and treat heart conditions
  • Discussing cancer treatment options with oncologists for people at high risk of heart disease or existing heart disease
  • Providing treatment for heart conditions, including heart medications if needed
  • Monitoring people with heart disease or at risk of heart disease before and during cancer therapy with regular imaging tests and blood tests to look for signs of heart complications
  • Monitoring and treating heart complications that may develop during cancer therapy as a result of taking certain chemotherapy drugs or receiving radiation therapy to the chest area
  • Screening for heart complications after cancer therapy, especially people who have taken certain chemotherapy drugs or have had radiation therapy to the chest area
  • Treating heart conditions or complications that may develop after cancer therapy due to specific chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapy to the chest area
  • Providing lifestyle coaching for people after cancer therapy, such as making lifestyle changes to help reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain health, including eating a heart-healthy diet and exercise

Your doctor may recommend one of the following tests:

  • Blood test
  • CT angiogram
  • Cardiac MRI with tissue characterisation techniques
  • Chest X-ray
  • Echocardiogram
  • Holter monitor
  • Stress test

Learn more about the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in the U.S.